Image-Guided and Adaptive Radiation Therapy (hybrid)

Testimonial participant Johannes Prokop


Deeper understanding of applied technologies

"Working since 1997 in Radiation Therapy I had already the possibility to gain a lot in working experience. However the technical changes during the last years, especially the extended use of IGRT and IGART has changed the working field significantly. Although trainings of the companies‘ application specialists ensured a correct and efficient workflow I always wanted to get more detailed information about IGRT to get a deeper understanding of the applied technologies, the principles and possible pitfalls.

Focus on the clinical aspects of IGRT

Checking out various educational programs for IGRT I came across the Inholland Academy. For me the most catching point in the offered program was the focus on the clinical aspects of IGRT. With this training design I saw the ideal possibility to accomplish knowledge that I can use straightforward in my daily working routine.

Despite that – being right in the middle of the pandemic situation - the course organization was ideal! The online teaching sessions ensured a reliable time schedule and – last but not least – saved time and travelling expenses. Even the hands-on course was concentrated within only one week – what cannot be underestimated regarding the numerous specialists and experts teaching the various modules!

Learning curve

The re-entry in the role of a student has been quite challenging in the beginning. The additional work load beside the daily job including the selection of clinical cases, preparing presentations and working on the case study has been quite time consuming during the first weeks after the course started. The work load stayed more or less the same but experiencing the fast progress of one’s own learning curve was quite stunning and motivating. This positive experience however would not have been possible without the tremendous support and motivation of the module director Miriam Soumokil , Monica Buijs and Ingrid Kuijper who moderated the online sessions as well as the Hands-On course in an appreciative and unique manner!

Hands-on course in Haarlem

Being part of an international training course I really enjoyed the Dutch way of teaching and learning. A relaxed learning atmosphere but always highly concentrated on the topic – during the presentations as well as during the smaller learning and discussion groups.
Highlight – undoubtedly – was the Hand-On course in Haarlem and various centers. A tight program – out of question – but being within this motivated group still an uplifting event!

Go for it!

Even without the plan to complete the masters’ program this training course is a benefit for your work at the clinical site. What you should be aware is the time investment that is required. Due to the limitation to just a very small group of students the lessons are very interactive so that you always have to be prepared well. But it’s worth and if you’re still considering my clear advice would be: Go for it!"

Johannes Prokop
Radiation Therapy Technologist
Klinik Donaustadt (a community hospital in Vienna, Austria)

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