Research Methods

Testimonial participant Filipa Sousa


"I definitely recommend the Research Methods course to other RTTs and healthcare professionals"

"The Research Methods course was one of the courses that generated great expectation, because it covers the knowledge and skills needed to appraise and undertake health-related research. I am a radiation therapist (RTT) responsible for research and development in my department. The course gave me the opportunity to develop skills in research methodology.

The course handled some important topics, such as developing a research question, evaluation and understanding of the different types of research, and the possibility to get familiar with data collection and analysis. It took place over nine months, starting in July 2020. The course faculty used a blended learning approach consisting of a combination of recorded online seminars, online meetings and face-to-face teaching. This approach allowed me to organize my study time. The two-day intensive training and the live meetings were pleasantly animated. It was great to have the time to practice and discuss some of the practical content given in the course.

Theory and practice were well balanced. By the end of the course, participants had a great understanding of the basis of research methodology.

I definitely recommend the Research Methods course to other RTTs and healthcare professionals. Whether you are in charge of research in your department or not. We can aim evidence practice if we know how to perform and analyze research. Therefore, a greater understanding of research methodology is crucial. This ultimately may contribute to improved quality of care.

Finally, I would like to thank the course faculty for their enthusiasm and engagement in sharing their knowledge. The course was wonderfully well organized!"

Filipa Sousa
RTT research
Institut Jules Bordet

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