Graduated? Congratulations!

Graduated? Congratulations!

How the Graduated! gift voucher works.

  • Leave your details below. You have until 1 July 2023 to decide whether you would like to redeem your gift voucher.
  • We will keep you informed about courses and programmes, their start dates and the expiration period of this special offer.
  • If you sign up for a programme, state your Inholland student ID number and the discount will be made if the conditions are met. If you have paid online, the discount will be reimbursed.

Learning = daring to keep developing yourself

Take the next step in your career. Acquaint yourself with the courses and programmes your HBO degree programme has prepared you for.

Inholland Academy is specialised in developing and organising post-HBO courses and programmes. These programmes are the perfect next step after your HBO degree programme: they focus on practice and have been developed by professionals in the field.

Inholland Academy is recognised by the External Company Training Courses Documentation and Information Centre (CEDEO) and registered with the Central Register of Short-Term Vocational Education (CRBKO). 


The € 250 discount is given once as a discount on tuition fees of €1250 or higher. These tuition fees may concern a single programme or a combination of programmes (e.g. modules). This special offer is only for Inholland Academy programmes. Inholland Academy retains the right to not give the discount or to end the special offer if the voucher is wrongfully used.


This offer remains valid until 1 July 2023. The date of signing up for a programme is key. If a programme starts after 1 July 2023, but you signed up before this date, the discount will be valid.


  • The voucher has a value of € 250. This amount will be deducted from any tuition fees of € 1250 or higher. The voucher cannot be exchanged for cash or any other negotiable instruments.
  • The discount is not valid in combination with other special offers.


Statement of agreement