We can answer all your study choice questions
If you’re considering higher education, a couple of questions might arise as you decide what and where to study (abroad):
At the Study Advice Center, staff are ready to help you with these and other study-related questions. Parents, current students and other interested parties are also welcome. You can find us in Alkmaar, The Hague, Amsterdam, Haarlem and Rotterdam.
Unable to visit us?
Then you can also call or email us. The contact details of the five locations can be found on this page.
Below you can find the contact details and opening hours of our Study Advice Centres.
To ensure our availability, we advise you to make an appointment in advance.
Bergerweg 200
1817 MN Alkmaar
T: +31 (0)88 466 3020
E: studiekeuze.alkmaar@inholland.nl
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Opening hours
Pina Bauschplein 4
1095 PN Amsterdam
T: +31 (0)88 466 2020
E: studiekeuze.amsterdam@inholland.nl
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Opening hours
Bijdorplaan 15
2015 CE Haarlem
T: +31 (0)88 466 0020
E: studiekeuze.haarlem@inholland.nl
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All by appointment only.
Theresiastraat 8
2593 AN Den Haag
T: +31 (0)88 466 4020
E: studiekeuze.denhaag@inholland.nl
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Opening hours
Posthumalaan 90
3072 AG Rotterdam
T: +31 (0)6 11878775
E: studiekeuze.rotterdam@inholland.nl
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Opening hours
Monday to Thursday: 09.00 - 17.00 (by appointment only)
Rotterdamseweg 141
2628 AL Delft
T: +31 (0)15 251 92 00
E: Studiekeuze.Delft@inholland.nl
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Opening hours