Relaxation of corona measures
After a period of navigating between extra measures and relaxations we are happy that higher education is again completely open. You no longer have to wear a face mask at the University buildings. Feel free to wear it if you feel more comfortable doing so.
The risk of corona is still present. That is why we ask you to remember the basic rules. Wash your hands thoroughly and regularly. Cough and sneeze into your elbow and stay home when you are not feeling well.
We no longer ask you to take a self-test twice a week before you come to college, but do test yourself when you have corona-related complaints. You can order this via zelftestonderwijs.nl, or pick up a test from the University building while stock lasts.
Do you have corona-related complaints, have you been tested positive and/or are you in quarantine? Then don't come to the University building. Of course, this also applies if you have an exam. You must then contact your study program via mentor or teacher prior to the exam. You should also report this to the student counsellors. If it concerns a first chance, you will take the regular resit. If needed, you can request an extra chance from the Examination Board.
Do you, as a current student, have questions related to online education? Go to the Online Educational Support platform on Iris. We adhere to the guidelines of the RIVM and the GGD (Municipal Health Services) to ensure the safety of our students and campus facilities. Head to the Know & Organise section of our intranet Iris to find the most recent questions and answers.