Click here for the application procedure; you need to follow the instructions for our application procedure.
Please note that the enrolment procedure for international applicants can take well over three months, so please apply as early as possible.
All the information and application procedures are collected conveniently for you on our How to apply page.
International applicants should note that the enrolment procedure can take well over three months to complete. To improve your chances to attend the course of your choice, it is best to enrol as early as possible. We recommend the following enrolment deadline dates:
The time it takes Inholland to process each application is strongly dependent on the type of secondary school diploma that you have and the timing of its submission to us. Applicants, who possess internationally recognized diplomas and send them to us as soon as they have applied via Studielink, stand a greater chance to hear the result of their applications as early as possible. Prospective students who are not going to receive their diplomas before the end of their school year can already send in their transcripts, but normally you will have to wait to hear from us until we receive your their final diplomas.
Please note that the enrolment procedure for international applicants can take well over three months to complete, so please apply as early as possible.
For help with your application, please download the help guide called How to use studielink.
How to use Studielink >
Please have a look at Studielink's FAQS, this tool gives answers to most frequent questions from applicants. Choose Inholland University of Applied Sciences as the institution.
If you have any questions, you can contact our Inholland Admissions Office for assistance.
E-mail: admissions@inholland.nl
Tel: 0031 (0)23 - 522 32 75
For more information on all the required diplomas/certificates and English tests, see our Entry Requirements information page.
We cannot assess whether your previous grade transcripts and university accreditation are in line with Inholland's until you apply.
Once you have applied, you will receive a username and a password from the Central Student Administration to log in to our Insite. Via this online portal, you have to submit a request to the Examination Board of your programme. The Examination board decides whether you are eligible for exemptions from year one in order to directly enter the second year.
If you are going to study a Dutch-language bachelor degree with us, you must be able to demonstrate that you passed all four components of the State Exam Nt2 by 1 September at the latest. The State Exam Nt2 is offered at the latest in July. If it is not possible for you to participate in this exam due to the corona measures, you can contact the Bureau of Admission Test to discuss the options.
You cannot take the test at Inholland University of Applied Sciences. Please check the IELTS and TOEFL websites for more information on taking the test in a location close to you.
For the IELTS test, please visit: www.ielts.org
For the TOEFL test, please visit: www.ets.org
If you have studied in an English speaking country for the three most recent years of your education and have obtained an official diploma from your institution, you might be exempted from the language requirements. Inholland will need to see your diploma and transcript first before awarding you an exemption for English.
If you do not have the required diplomas, you are 21 or older, you can take the 21+ test.
If you would like more information about the 21+ test and how to apply, please contact the Bureau Toelatingsonderzoeken (Office for Admission Tests) telephone +31 (23) 543 8080 or e-mail: toelatingstoets@Inholland.nl
Yes. For more information on obtaining a visa and how to apply for a visa, please go to the Visa information page (MVV-machtiging tot voorlopig verblijf).