Image-Guided and Adaptive Radiation Therapy (hands-on course)

Acquire in one week the knowledge and skills necessary to understand the key concepts of Image-Guided and Adaptive Radiation Therapy

Dutch | English

Would you like to quickly learn more about all modern radiotherapy treatment methods? Then the practical oriented Hands-On Course (HOC) Image-Guided and Adaptive Radiation Therapy might be it for you! During this hands-on course various IGART-techniques will be introduced and discussed. Practical exercises, workshops and demonstrations are interspersed with lectures and discussions.

In addition, various radiotherapy departments will be visited, where experts will present the latest developments in image guidance in the field of online adaptive strategies. In five days, you will gain new insights for your own clinical environment and you will have been introduced to the latest IGART-techniques such as the MRlinac, Mridian and Ethos. You will be prepared to provide patients with the very best care.

The aim is an intensive module with optimum interaction between students and teachers. For this reason, the number of participants is restricted.

Read more about the Image-Guided and Adaptive Radiation Therapy hands-on module (HOC)

postgraduate/master EQF 7
1 week

Interested in this module? Request a free brochure.

Read the information and learn about the programme, organisation, method and locations.

Download brochure

Please call or e-mail coordinator Nancy van Rooijen for general questions about, for example, the schedule:

Ask Nancy
T: +31 (0)6 1527 9390

Please call or e-mail advisor Monica Buijs for training advise or in-company questions:

Ask Monica
T: +31 (0)6 3198 9606

Ready to participate? Register now!
