Roos Gerritsma is an associate professor at the Urban Leisure & Tourism Lab and the Applied Research x Creativity Research Center. Together with colleagues and students, she is working on urban transition issues, deploying, among other things, design and action-oriented research. From 2020 - 2023, she was engaged as principal investigator in the European H2020 SMARTDEST research dealing with inclusion and exclusion mechanisms in tourist cities. In October 2023, she started her PhD project: Regenerative urban tourism principles and practices as possible pathways for community capacity-building. Her PhD involves a new format, namely a Professional Doctorate, and is thus one of the first in the Netherlands.
Roos Gerritsma collaborates with local and (inter)national network partners, such as amsterdam&partners, Reinventing Tourism, the municipality of Amsterdam (gemeente Amsterdam), cultural hub Modestraat and various Regenerative Design networks. She also collaborates with students and researchers from international Erasmus partners, such as those from Leicester (UK) and Barcelona (SP).
In late 2015, Roos Gerritsma set up a city lab with colleagues. This city lab in Amsterdam Noord, Urban Leisure & Tourism lab, is her main testing ground. From her PhD program and role as lab lead, she is closely involved in the issues that are introduced, realization and measuring the impact of the interventions. In terms of themes, this manifests itself in projects on design-oriented products and practices on: urban (regenerative) tourism and leisure experiences, (healthy) lifestyle communities, SROI and inclusive/sustainable area development. See her LinkedIn profile for a current list of her publications and presentations.
Roos Gerritsma has been associated with Inholland University of Applied Sciences since 2000. She has been affiliated with the Creative Business Research Center at intervals since 2003/2004, initially as lecturer-researcher and since 2016 as associate professor.
Roos Gerritsma will pursue her doctoral studies at Inholland University from 2023 to 2029. She earned a master's degree in Urban Sociology from the University of Amsterdam, focusing her research on 'Appealing Amsterdam: Residents and Their Attitudes Towards Tourism and Tourists.' Prior to this, she completed a Bachelor's degree in Communication at The Hague University of Applied Sciences and conducted research for the Dordrecht municipality on the role of intercultural communication with various population groups. In addition, she is a certified NOBCO coach.
"Anyone has a question about tourism in Amsterdam? That immediately rings a bell: I must be with Creative Business!"