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Sense and Spreadability: Considering How Data and Visibility Could Support more Engagement-led Socio-Spatially Inclusive Pride Events in Peripheral Neighbourhoods of Amsterdam
Sense and Spreadability: Considering How Data and Visibility Could Support more Engagement-led Socio-Spatially Inclusive Pride Events in Peripheral Neighbourhoods of Amsterdam
As a strategy to better manage the social-exclusionary impacts of overtourism, urban decision-makers in Amsterdam are looking at the physical spreading of events to better manage crowds, mobility and anti-social behaviour. Perceptions of safety, security and exclusion can vary significantly across the city and communities, threatening its status as a leading gay destination in Europe. These may impact proposals being made to Amsterdam Pride Week that look to spread visitors as much as possible over the city and its surroundings. By venturing beyond the ‘safe’ inner city, can the event still act as an agent for social change, or will its presence displace unwelcome conflicts in periurban neighbourhoods?