Requirements from the Void:

Experiences with 1:10:100

Wina Smeenk, Koen van Turnhout, Stijn Hoppenbrouwers, P Jacobs, Jasper Jeurens, René Bakker
Soort object
In this paper we discuss our experiences with the 1:10:100 approach for organizing requirements elicitation in open innovation projects. 1:10:100 was originally developed to tackle the complexity of ‘wicked’ design problems, but also turns out to be a helpful means to organize requirements oriented pro ject conversations with heterogeneous groups of innovation partners. We use the 1:10:100 approach to shape project phasing. We discuss the approach, re port on our experiences using 1:10:100 for requirements elicitation in two ser vice design projects in the context of health care, and based on this present some practitioner’s guidelines for using 1:10:100