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Aim: To gain insight into the relationship between self-management abilities (taking initiatives, investment behaviour, variety, multifunctionality, self-efficacy, positive frame of mind) and physical, psychological and social frailty.
Design: A cross-sectional study.
Methods: 145 community-dwelling older people receiving home-care completed a questionnaire on sociodemographic factors, the Self-Management-Ability-Scale and the Tilburg Frailty Indicator. After determining correlations, sequential multiple linear regression analyses were executed.
Results: All self-management abilities are negatively associated with physical frailty; five (except multifunctionality) are negatively associated with psychological frailty. Variety in resources and positive frame of mind are negatively associated with social frailty. Sociodemographic characteristics, chronic diseases and self-management abilities together significantly explain participants’physical (34.9%), psychological (21.4%) and social (43.9%) frailty. After controlling for sociodemographic characteristics and chronic diseases, the self-management abilities together significantly explain 11 per cent of psychological and 6.8 per cent of social frailty. Having a positive frame of mind significantly negatively influences social frailty.