Aeronautical Engineering (EN) fulltime

Electric Dragonfly enters new phase with full system testing

Successful first taxi tests at Teuge Airport

The electric Dragonfly, the emission-free lightweight aircraft in the process of becoming part of the Aeronautical  & Precision Engineering programme at Inholland Delft University of Applied Sciences has been based at Teuge Airport (Gelderland) for two weeks to carry out ‘moving’ tests. As a result, during the annual Teuge AirFair, several hundred flight enthusiasts and professionals witnessed the first public taxi test. A milestone, because project Dragonfly is entering an important next test phase. 

Since 2019, Inholland Delft students, lecturers and researchers have been working intensively with the aviation industry to convert an existing aircraft into a fully electric and emission-free variant, the electric Dragonfly. The project is led by Arnold Koetje, programme manager for sustainable aviation at Inholland, and Mark Ommert, engineering manager and former student of Aviation Technology. 

“This is an applied research project, in which students get to work on designing, building, and testing themselves,” says Mark Ommert. “This is how you learn to deal with design challenges that you only encounter in practice. What's great about this is that we use technology from Dutch parties - the engine comes from Saluqi Motors and the batteries from ELEO Technologies. We learn a lot from this, but at the same time it offers these companies the opportunity to experiment and apply their theoretical knowledge.”

Learning through practice
Stefan Meijer has been involved in the project since his third year of study in Aeronautical & Precision Engineering. He recently graduated and became a permanent member of the team. “The Dragonfly contains my design choices, which I have been testing over the past two weeks. I first studied secondary vocational aeronautical engineering in Hoofddorp and it was precisely these practical skills that I was able to apply here. It's so great when something you come up with really works! We are taking the first steps towards a brighter future here and I think it is fantastic to be part of that.”


A good example of innovative education 
Roelof Eleveld, secretary of the Executive Board, believes the project is an example of what Inholland education should look like. “It is innovative education, it is based on social issues and it seeks collaboration with both the professional field and the research field.” According to Han van Kleef, associate professor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, this should be done in collaboration. “In your research, therefore, you should include parties that do not naturally come to mind, such as environmental movements and residents' organisations. They can provide input that will steer you in the right direction.” True pioneering according to programme manager Antoine Gerritse. “We are at the forefront and so are our students!” Student Bob Bornkamp nods affirmatively: “It's super cool. How many people can put on their resume that they designed a power train for an electric plane?” 
Would you like to know more about the taxi test? 
Watch the video of the taxi test in Teuge on 10 September 2022. 


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