Aeronautical Engineering (EN) fulltime

The Study Check is an important step in your application process.

Study Check

It’s important that you choose a programme you'll enjoy and help you reach your goals. The Study Check lets you check whether Aeronautical Engineering is right for you. It's a mandatory step if you want to do any full-time bachelor's degree in the Netherlands.

The Study Check comprises the following steps:

  1. Complete an online questionnaire beforehand. This test gives an impression of your motivation, your study behaviour and your orientation on the programme. After completing the test, you will immediately receive the results by e-mail.
  2. If applicable, complete a homework assignment* beforehand.
  3. Participate in the Study Check session at Inholland or online. During the Study Check you will receive information about the content of the programme, we will discuss the homework assignment and you can ask questions to determine whether the programme suits you. If you live abroad, we'll invite you for an only study check via Teams. 
  4. You will receive a personal Study Check recommendation. You will receive a written recommendation by email within a few days.

* Homework assignment
Aeronautical Engineering requires you to complete an online homework assignment. Mathematical and linguistic components are incorporated in this test. Please do not use your calculator, as it will not give a clear view of your abilities. After the session, you will have a personal interview with a teacher who will give you a personal recommendation. 

How to register

  1. Apply for a programme through Studielink before 1 May;
  2. You will automatically receive more information about your Study Check in your digital Self-Service;
  3. You can start your Study Check in Self-Service.

Why a Study Check?

Together with the programme, you will check once more whether the programme really suits you. Together you will go through the course requirements and the demands of the professional field.This helps to avoid disappointment if you choose the wrong programme.

Check the FAQ for more information or contact


Find more information about the time and date of the Study Check.

You will find information about the exact time and location in your step-by-step plan in Self-service. This information is always up-to-date and leading.


In some cases, a completed Study Check for one programme leads to an exemption for the other (and vice versa). For example, when you've completed the Study Check for Tourism Management, you will be granted exemption from some related courses. Aeronautical Engineering does not grant any exemptions. For a list of all exemptions, please click here.


Contact us

+31 (0)6 - 2111 5555
+31 (0)23 - 522 32 75