Business Innovation is for those who want to learn how to breathe life into their ideas. You’ll find a match here if you:
We give you the compass, not the map. You will learn to initiate, take risks, and reflect on your own personal and professional growth. These are crucial, modern-day skills that will prove important once you start your professional career.
A former student said:
“Throughout my period at Business Innovation, I felt as if I was the one in charge, the one who writes my own BI story. At first this was a big obstacle, as I was used to setting structures and boundaries. As a result, I again had to learn how to learn. I really love to compare myself to the 18-year-old me who just started BI. I believe BI has helped me a lot in terms of getting to know myself.”
A brand new establishment of Inholland will be build in Amsterdam Sluisbuurt to accommodate the study programmes currently located at Amsterdam and Diemen. How to get residents already enthusiastic and involved? How can a new area contribute to a community? Within the Creative Growth Initiative (CGI) minor and supported by SLUISlab Inholland, students from various courses came up with ideas. “The Tors” came up with the original concept “Seenergy”: tiles converting human movement into energy. When you step or jump on a tile it'll generate energy from that particular human walking movement.
Voltijd – De opleiding Business Studies biedt je een brede basis, zodat je straks terecht kunt als allrounder binnen bijvoorbeeld marketing, financiën of management.
Voltijd – Geen organisatie kan zonder een goed werkend informatiesysteem. Als ICT'er ben jij verantwoordelijk voor een goede en actuele informatievoorziening.
Voltijd – Ben je dol op creatieve dingen bedenken? Wil je met tekst, beeld en geluid mensen echt raken? En zo de wereld een beetje mooier te maken? Dan is de Bachelor Communicatie echt een studie voor jou.