“A huge benefit of the BI programme lies in exerting your knowledge into action."
“The main reason I enrolled at Inholland was because the Business Innovation programme sounded truly appealing to me. Moreover, after attending the freshman information night I became convinced I wanted to enrol in the programme because my first impressions of Inholland and its teaching staff were very good. That evening gave me a very warm and welcoming feeling - quite intimate in a way - compared to the large-scale programmes at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences for example.”
Marise Arens graduated from the Business Innovation programme in July 2022. Marise: “The international aspects of the programme are a big plus; it makes your entire experience very different, in a good way. It is an eye-opening experience and very suitable for the era we live in, especially if you want to work in an international economy.”
Practical skills
“Another major benefit of the BI programme stems from the fact that you are triggered to exert your knowledge into practice; there are no written exams after all. It is not a case of learning theory, answering exam questions and moving on. It's about actively applying what you've learned through practical tasks like analyses, reports, presentations, prototypes, etcetera. The programme also enables you to discover many different areas of interest, which is a great way to find out if you want to pursue those interests further or if they are 'just interests’."
What kind of person does it take to be successful in the Business Innovation programme?
“In essence, anyone can join. There is such a variety of people that I believe it could be a good fit for almost anyone. However, it’s definitely an asset to be open-minded, engaged, and highly curious about discovering many different areas of interest.”
What is your view on the international character of the programme?
“I think this is a major benefit. On a personal level, it is just really nice to meet people with different backgrounds. I think it is a fun and great way to become more open-minded by learning from cultural differences. The bottom line is, you just have very interesting conversations. And on a professional level, it really helped me overcome the barrier of freely speaking English. Dutch being my native language was initially holding me back a bit from enrolling in the programme. In my everyday life now, I speak more English than Dutch most of the time and I never feel uncomfortable .”
What is the best feature of the programme relating to your current working position?
“For me, my job entails all the elements of my past and current education, including marketing, business innovation, and international relations. I work at tex.tracer, a blockchain-powered transparency platform that enables brands and retailers to collect verified supply chain data, from raw material to end product. This data helps them to make better-educated decisions to improve the fashion industry for the better. In short, my current position is a culmination of all things I am passionate about, and have studied for.”
Any heartfelt do's and don’ts for future students?
“I would just say: “Get the most out of it.” As you never know how things will work out. And have fun, explore your interests, and try many different things.”