Information Technology (EN) fulltime

Study Check Information Technology

It’s important that you choose a programme you'll enjoy and help you reach your goals. The Study Check helps you to check whether Information Technology is the right programme for you. It is a mandatory step if you want to do any full-time bachelor's degree in the Netherlands. Students who live in the Netherlands are invited for a Study Check at the Inholland campus in Haarlem. Students who live abroad are invited for an online Study Check via MS Teams. 

The Study Check helps you determine whether the programme you have chosen really suits you. Not only because you will then enjoy your programme more, but also because you will have a greater chance of successfully completing it. 

The Study Check comprises the following steps:

  1. Complete an online questionnaire beforehand. This test gives an impression of your motivation, your study behaviour and your orientation on the programme. After completing the test, you will immediately receive the results by e-mail.
  2. If applicable, complete a homework assignment* beforehand.
  3. Participate in the Study Check session at Inholland or online. During the Study Check you will receive information about the content of the programme, we will discuss the homework assignment and you can ask questions to determine whether the programme suits you. If you live abroad, we'll invite you for an only study check via Teams. 
  4. You will receive a personal Study Check recommendation. You will receive a written recommendation by email within a few days.

* Homework assignment

Video + Direct link to Moodle course (Assignment)

Watch the video first before clicking on 'Direct link to Moodle course (Assignment)' to see how to log in. 

We hope you enjoy the assignment and get even more motivated to start in our programme.


Do you have questions about the Study Check? Feel free to reach out via


Contact us

+31 (0)6 - 2111 5555
+31 (0)23 - 522 32 75