Aeronautical Engineering (EN) fulltime

Fascinated by the technique behind moving machines? Enter the world of Aeronautical Engineering.

Aeronautical engineering is about the research, design, development, construction, testing, science and technology of aircrafts. In recent years, aeronautical engineering has become one of the major overlapping branches of aerospace engineering. The four-year Aeronautical Engineering programme focusses on designing and constructing aircraft and aircraft components. You will learn about engineering in general and you will gain practical experience during your internship. If you are fascinated by the history and methodology behind moving machines, aeronautical engineering is the programme for you.

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4 years full-time

(Online) Open Day 5 April

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What you need to know about Aeronautical Engineering

  1. The only English bachelor degree in Aeronautical Engineering in the Netherlands.
  2. You follow the course in a hyper-modern building on the campus of TU Delft.
  3. Inholland has strong ties with international universities and companies: from Airbus to universities in China.
  4. The final two years of your programme are tailored to your personal interests and ambitions.
  5. It is possible to do your internship abroad in the third or fourth year.
  6. You can apply the subjects to a variety of fields, from aviation to green energy and from F1 to cruise ships.
Aquilo Deflt

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The Aquilo Rocket Team

Established in 2014, the AQUILO Rocket Team is a distinctive student project within the Aeronautical Engineering and Luchtvaarttechnolgie degree programmes. Comprising enthusiastic students, the team collaboratively designs, constructs, tests, and launches rockets. Every year, the team welcomes new students, offering them a rare chance to acquire valuable knowledge and hands-on experience beyond traditional classroom learning.

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